Curricular training proposals
Apprenticeships allow students at the University of Bologna to apply the knowledge acquired during their studies to problems of development and validation of heterogeneous systems. Neptune srl offers several internship activities ranging from the development of firmware and libraries for microcontroller or FPGA systems, to the development of mobile applications or web platforms.

Software Development exam
The software development activity, allows students to begin an initial approach to embedded systems programming during their undergraduate education. Proposed activities vary, from microcontroller programming to application development for PCs or mobile devices.
The main programming languages used are:
- Python
- MATLAB / Simulink
- C/C++
- Arduino Code

Other OPEn projects developed by our founders
Simulink defined radio

The material freely provided in this website (book + Simulink projects) is aimed at showing the implementation on Raspberry Pi boards of digital communication systems designed with Simulink. These practical experiences, intended for use within telecommunication courses, provide a viable, low cost, way to introduce students, hobbyists and technology enthusiasts to the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) design paradigm. This is what we mean by “Simulink defined radio”.