
Systems Engineering

Neptune s.r.l. is an Innovative Startup, born from the experience gained by its founders in industrial projects developed in the laboratories of the University of Bologna. The Neptune team develops integrated systems in the ICT field, with particular reference to the development of protocols and fixed and mobile telecommunications systems on terrestrial and satellite networks with heterogeneous technologies, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Digital Signal Processors, technologically advanced and innovative microcontrollers and microprocessors. The systems and prototypes developed by Neptune make use of the most advanced data acquisition and processing techniques using computer vision, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Neptune s.r.l. è una Startup Innovativa, nata dall’esperienza acquisita dai suoi fondatori nell’ambito di progetti industriali sviluppati nei laboratori dell’Università di Bologna. Il team di Neptune realizza sistemi integrati nell’ambito dell’ICT, con particolare riferimento allo sviluppo di protocolli e sistemi di telecomunicazioni fisse e mobili su rete terrestre e satellitare con tecnologie eterogenee, Field Programmable Gate Array, Digital Signal Processors, microcontrollori e microprocessori tecnologicamente evoluti e innovativi. I sistemi e i prototipi sviluppati da Neptune si avvalgono delle più avanzate tecniche di acquisizione ed elaborazione dati mediante computer vision, machine learning e intelligenza artificiale.


CEO – Founder

CO – Founder

Co – Founder

CO – Founder

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